Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Hello World!

Isn't that the way to greet everything new - as a programmer, at least. I think it was K&R who made this greeting well-known - even famous - with their first C example.

Anyhow, this blog isn't about C but PHP, which is one of the most common programming languages for web applications even today. I have been programming with it for maybe 15 years and I still get some surprises, both fine and nasty, every week or two. Of course I am doing mostly routine things but every now and then I have to do something really new and that's where the surprises lurk.

I know PHP is well documented in the the manual pages and in numerous articles and blogs all around the blogsphere. Why then another booooring blog, you'd might think? Well, my only answer i that I try NOT to make it boring but try to aim to a "higher" level instead. With higher level I mean that the blog entries (or serials of them) will build something that isn't doable with just a couple of native function calls. I won't promise rapid serial blogging but when I have something remarkable (as of my viewpoint), I'll share it with you.

I also believe in open source and this blog is (or tries to be) my way to give something back.

About myself: I am a programmer somewhere in the net. That's about all what you need to know ;) I won't make my person identifiable - even less remarkable - through this blog. I want that the sharp point points at PHP itself and not at dull me. Of course some of my screwed personality (if there's such a thing) will shine out, but then, let it shine...

With these words I'll skip the introductory s**t and let's get started... :)

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